Delete Data Rules

In order to delete your data rule on Fogwing Enterprise Cloud, follow these steps.

Note: Applicable to Admins and Tenants only.

At any point in time, Delete your Data Rules

Want to get rid of a data rule, anytime? It's a simple and quick process. You would by now have explored Fogwing Community Cloud with every passing detailed feature and this is no different. All it requires is probably some assistance from our end, so, here you go!

To Delete your Data Rules:

  1. Login to Fogwing Enterprise Cloud.

  2. You will land on the Home page upon logging in.

  3. On the left side of the Home page is the Data rules option, click on the same.

  4. On clicking the Data rules menu, you will be directed to the Data rules list view page.

  5. On the right side of every Data rule is a View button. Click on the view button of the Data rule you wish to delete.

  6. As you click view, you are directed to the detailed view page of a data rule. Towards the right side bottom of the page there is a delete button.

  7. Click the Delete button, you will be asked if you are sure to delete, click 'Yes' to delete the Data rule.

Upon clicking the 'Yes' button for deletion of data rule, you will be displayed with a message that read 'Successfully xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Deleted'.

Note: You can only Delete, Add and View a Data rule, You cannot Modify or Update a Data rule.

Last updated