View My Profile

Follow these steps to View Your Profile on Fogwing IoT Analytics Studio.

Take a Look At Your Profile Identity.

Fogwing IoT Analytics Studio enables you to access profile visibility. This feature helps you keep track of your user identification / identity within Fogwing IoT Analytics Studio. It is a crucial and handy facility that offers viable solution in recognizing user related specifications.

For an overview of Fogwing IoT Analytics Studio, visit

To View My Profile:

  1. As an initial step, login to your Fogwing IoT Analytics Studio account.

  2. Upon login, you will land on the Dashboard of your Analytics Studio.

  3. Towards the extreme right top of your Fogwing IoT Analytics Studio display screen, you will find a circle icon with an alphabet initial. Click on it.

  4. Once the alphabet initial is clicked, a drop box with 'Customer Name, Customer ID, Signed in as' details. The drop box also includes 'Profile and Account' button and 'Logout' button.

  5. Select the 'Profile and Account' button, the User profile will appear.

  6. The User profile will display 'Account' info and 'User' info.

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