Get Notified

Follow these steps to View received Notifications on Fogwing IoT Analytics Studio.

Remain Updated, Stand Out!

The Notifications feature in Fogwing IoT Analytics Studio is instrumental in keeping users updated with Data behavior and trends within Analytics Studio. It's much quicker as the user is spontaneously notified thereby cutting time with manual checking of Data alerts and changes.

For an overview of Fogwing IoT Analytics Studio, visit

To Access Notifications:

  1. As the first step, Login to your Fogwing IoT Analytics Studio account.

  2. The Dashboard will display upon Login.

  3. Towards the right side, next to the 'Profile' icon, Locate the 'Bell' icon.

  4. Click the 'Bell' icon and a drop box will notification updates will appear.

The 'Bell' icon will display regardless of the selected and displaying page.

Last updated