View Data Storage

Follow these steps to View Data Logs on Fogwing Enterprise Cloud.

Note: All users (Admins, Tenants and Viewers) can avail this feature.

Get a Birds eye view of the Environment you wish to monitor

Now that you have an account, application and IoT hub access configured on Fogwing Enterprise Cloud, you obviously want to check the data that is being sent by the deployed edge to the platform! Yes, that is the primary feature you want to access through our platform and we exclusively provide you with the same.

To View your Data Stream:

  1. Login to your Fogwing Enterprise Cloud account.

  2. You will arrive on the Fogwing Enterprise Cloud Home page after logging in.

  3. Toward the left side of the home page, click on Data Stream.

  4. You will be directed to Data Stream list view page. You can get an overall view of each data transfer.

  5. Toward the right corner of every data stream is a 'View' button under Action category. Click the view button.

  6. Upon selecting the view button, you will be displayed with a detailed event data stream along with payload specification In JSON format that describes alerts in case of exceeding data rule.

  7. You can then click on back button at the bottom right of the view data stream page, if you wish to go back.

Last updated