Delete Command

Follow these steps to delete command on Fogwing Enterprise Cloud.

Note: Action can be performed by Admins and Tenants. Not available for Viewers.

Delete your Command, Anytime

You would by now have explored Fogwing Community Cloud with every passing detailed feature and this is no different. As the most appealing feature on Fogwing Enterprise IIoT platform, command empowers you to adequately monitor and trigger actions when needed. Deleting a Command is an easy and quick process. All it requires is probably some assistance from our end, so, here you go!

To Delete Command:

  1. To start the process, Login to your Fogwing Enterprise account.

  2. You will arrive on the Home page soon after logging in to your account.

  3. The menu list on the left side of the Home page, select Command from that list.

  4. Upon clicking Command, you will land on the Command List view page.

  5. There is a View button against each command toward the right side. Select the View button against the Command you want to Delete.

  6. You will be directed to the View Command page. At the bottom right side is the Delete button. Click on the same.

  7. Re-confirm by clicking 'Yes' and the Command will be Deleted.

As soon as you re-confirm to Delete a Command, You will be displayed a message that reads 'Successfully xxxxxxxxxx deleted'.

Note: You cannot Update or Modify Data Rules. You can only Create, View and Delete Data Rules.

Last updated