Choose Email Server

Follow these steps to Select Email Server in Fogwing IIoT Platform

It's Your Pick !

When emails are received as alerts / warnings to users and their customers, users might not really want it from Fogwing server. Fogwing users might want their customers to receive emails from first hand / their end with a customized touch. In other words, white labelling is much appreciated. Here's how Fogwing helps to make your pick!

To Choose Email Server:

  1. As the opening step, Login to Fogwing IIoT Platform account.

  2. The Home page will appear after Login.

  3. The menu bar will be found towards the left side of the screen. The settings icon will be available on the menu bar.

  4. Click the settings icon from the menu bar. The settings page will display.

  5. Select the Email Server card from the Settings page. The Email Server page will appear.

  6. All details are required to be filled and server is to be selected.

  7. Upon filling all details, click the 'Test Connection' button on the top right corner of the Email Server page.

  8. Soon after connection is approved, click the update button towards the bottom right of the Email Server page.

The 'Update' button will be enabled only if the connection testing is successful.

Connection testing is considered successful when the status of connection displays 'Connected'.

Last updated

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