Data Rule Details
Follow these steps to get directed to Data Rules performance page on Fogwing Enterprise Cloud.
Descriptive and beneficial
Setting data rules is a crucial step toward executing Fogwing enterprise platform operations that offer end-to-end solutions to your business needs with IoT based functions. Fogwing Enterprise Cloud offers exclusive data rules features that instructs your device to perform an assigned action. After having successfully set a data rule, you might just want to take a detailed glimpse of it to reassure its functioning. Fogwing facilitates a detailed data rule viewing through its data rule details.
To access Data Rule Description Page:
Firstly, login to your Fogwing Enterprise Cloud account.
You will arrive at the Home page soon after after logging in.
Towards the left side of the Home page, select the Data rules button, you will be directed to the data rules list view page.
Select any of the data rule by clicking on the list view, you will be landing in that data rules's detail view.
You can view Application name, Edge name, Data value, Alert, Frequency and Execution time.
Please note that Data Rules Detail pages shows last 7 days of the performance only.
Last updated