Control Center - Dashboard
Understand your Fogwing Dashboard
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Understand your Fogwing Dashboard
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The Fogwing dashboard is a primary landing page where users arrive upon logging into their Fogwing account. The dashboard offers a quick and consolidated view of tenant's device activities in Fogwing IIoT Platform. Fogwing dashboard provides a bird’s eye view of the status of devices performance, connectivity status, data processing capacities and action control. The Fogwing Platform supports 2 types of IoT Network Services in nature such as Edge network and LoRa network.
In Fogwing Terms, all IP enabled connected devices through wireless cellular network are called as Edges, while LPWAN / LoRaWAN based devices named as private network category.
Status of Edges / LoRaWAN devices are indicated with three terminological specifications.
· Connected – Configured and active device
· Disconnected – Configured and inactive device
· Unconnected – Configured but never connected
Find below an image of the Fogwing IIoT Platform Dashboard.
The dashboard consists of blocks showing different consolidated information. The blocks are those that have been numbered in the image above. There are 6 blocks that are numbered. The central portion of the dashboard screen is a google map that locates configured edge devices and LoRa devices.
As shown in image, blocks 1 and 2 display the status of devices as “Active / Connected” along with the total number of configured devices. Block 1 particularly shows the status of connected edges and block 2 displays the status of connected LoRa devices.
Blocks 3 and 4 of the Fogwing dashboard are known as “Alerts” block. (See image 1).
There are two kinds of alerts that user can define in fogwing. Block 3 displays warning alerts and block 4 displays critical alerts. Warning alerts are those alerts that are registered and sent to customers when threshold limits are nearing (if user configured in data rules engine). These alerts are prior warning that can be acted upon or ignored.
Example: In case of temperature monitoring in chemical factories, temperature of boilers nearing set threshold limits are alerted to customers as warning alerts that can be acted upon or ignored (acted upon refers to actions performed to sustain normal temperatures by either lower the boiler temperatures or checking on chemical proportions in boilers and so on).
Critical alerts that the block 4 shows are those that require immediate action to in order to prevent any mishandling / failures. Again Critical alerts also set by user only based on the parameter values received from devices. Critical alerts in Fogwing IIoT Platform’s context are those that carry highest importance in the hierarchy of updates.
Example: temperature monitoring in hazardous factories that store chemicals and chemical boilers require consistent and careful temperature monitoring. These critical alerts enable in time checks through critical alerts and prevents harmful events.
Blocks 5 and 6 of image 1 portraits connectivity status of Edge and LoRa device through pie charts, respectively.
The pie charts provide explicit information on the connectivity status of edges / LoRa devices. In this context, unconnected devices refer to those devices that are configured to send data to Fogwing cloud but have never sent data or been active, the color grey indicates the same. The red color area of the pie chart depicts disconnected devices or those devices that are configured and have been sending data to Fogwing cloud but are currently not active. The connected devices that are actively sending data to Fogwing cloud are displayed with the color blue in the pie chart.
The central portion of the dashboard displays a Google map pointing out locations of the configured Edges / LoRaNode devices. (refer image 1).
In the map, the alphabet ‘L’ (purple color) refers to LoRa device while the alphabet ‘E’ (red color) refers to Edge device. Upon clicking on a particular edge device on the map a popup will appear to exhibits device connectivity details.
Thus the dashboard offers elaborate details of edge device / LoRa device health and status.