
Follow these steps to View your Notification Message Log.

Note: Applicable to all users.

Stay on the Watch. Track your activities.

As an active user of Fogwing enterprise cloud, exploring, creating, deleting, viewing and modifying are part of the deal in operation the platform. Keeping a track of all your activities on the platform in memory is close to an impossible task.

To View your Notification Message Log:

  1. Login to your Fogwing enterprise account as the first step.

  2. Soon after logging in, you will arrive on the Home page of Fogwing Enterprise Cloud.

  3. Click the Notification button toward the left side of the Home page.

  4. You will arrive at the Notification Message Log. It is here that you can keep watch on all your events on Fogwing Enterprise cloud account.

  5. The details are categorized under Edge, Data key, Data value, Stream value, Type and Received time.

Notification Message Log provides you with an overview as well as exclusive details of each activity on your Fogwing Enterprise Cloud account.

Last updated